Agendas, files and documents
They can be consulted on the Intranet site (limited access).
The composition of the Science Council (2019-2024)
Its composition is fixed by a decree which defines the statutes of the Observatory (décret 85-715, article 7) :
- Fabienne Casoli
Vice President of the Scientific Council
- Mathieu Puech (Member nominated by the HCS)
Vice President of the Administration Board
- Didier Tiphène
Elected Members
- Yann Clénet
- Bess Fang
- Raphaël Galicher
- Emmanuel Grolleau
- Paul Huet
- Isabelle Jegouzo
- Franck Le Petit
- Pierre Le Sidaner
- Yveline Lebreton
- Cedric Leyrat
- Rhita-Maria Ouazzani
- Fabrice Roy
- Gilles Theureau
Coopted Members
- Antoine Petiteau
- Delphine Porquet
Members nominated by the HCS
- Elsa Huby
- Laura Bernard
- Franck Pereira
Representatives of the Administration Board on the Scientific Council
- Florent Deleflie
- Frédéric Royer
Directors of departments and scientific services or their representatives
- Philippe Grandclément (LUX)
- Jean-Mathias Griessmeier (ORN)
- Philippe Laporte (UNIDIA)
- Christophe Le Poncin-Lafitte (LTE)
- Milan Maksimovic (LIRA)
- Andreas Zech (UFE)