The Master in Space Science and Technology at Observatoire de Paris-PSL is part of the Astrophysics graduate program dedicated to Space and Astrophysics. This graduate program aims at the best employability of graduate students in research or engineering.
It builds on the strengths of PSL’s astrophysics laboratories at Paris Observatory.

The second year includes 4 tracks :

M2 Research : for students planning to continue on to a doctoral school and prepare a dissertation in basic or applied research in astronomy, astrophysics, and associated techniques.

  • 1.Astrophysics (AΦ)
  • 2.Dynamics of Gravitational Systems (DSG)
  • 3.Planetary Science and Space Exploration (PES)
  • 4.International Research Track (IRT)

M2 Professional : for immediate entry into the professional world.

  • 5.Tools and Systems of Astronomy and Space (OSAE)


Applications for the 2024-2025 school year are open :

Contact : master2.administration chez

Details of the 5 courses

  • Astrophysics (AΦ)

In the AΦ track, the emphasis is placed on a multidisciplinary approach to astrophysics and on methodological and practical training in computer science, digital simulation, image processing and astronomical instrumentation. Various specialties covering most of the fields of contemporary astrophysics are offered as options : planetology, stellar structure and evolution, astrophysical and space plasmas, compact objects, interstellar medium, astroparticles and high energies, galaxies, cosmology, etc.
Students follow a common core course with the students of the DSG course.

More information : M2 AΦ

  • Dynamics of Gravitational Systems (DSG)

The DSG track provides basic training in the study of the dynamic systems of the Universe. This field is in close interaction with mathematics, mechanics, physics and geophysics. The variety of the proposed courses allows one to focus on astrometry, celestial and terrestrial reference systems, celestial mechanics, space geodesy and navigation, the dynamics of N-body systems (planetary systems, galaxies, accretion, cosmology), gravitation and fundamental physics.
The students follow a common core of courses with the students of the course AΦ.

More information : M2 DSG

  • Planetary Science and Space Exploration (PES)

The PES track includes theoretical and practical lessons in the fields of physics, chemistry, earth sciences, biology, space sciences, computer science and signal processing, which concern the study of bodies in the Solar System (planets, satellites, asteroids, comets, meteorites) as well as exoplanets. This training is both inter-institutional (universities, research institutes) and multidisciplinary (students from physics, earth sciences, chemistry, biology). It is intended for students who wish to acquire solid knowledge and tools to orient themselves towards planetological research, as well as for those who simply wish to extend their general knowledge to this fascinating field.

More information : PES

  • Tools and Systems of Astronomy and Space (OSAE)

The OSAE track is intended for students holding an M1 or a master’s degree in physics, applied physics, technology, optics, electronics, computer science, materials ... or a master’s degree or equivalent, interested in astronomy and space science or technology.

Its aim is to provide training as a broad-spectrum physicist to future managers and prime contractors of subsystems and eventually systems engineers or project managers in the field of space technologies or similar. Students will have access to opportunities in major industries, SMEs, international organizations and space agencies.

To ensure that teaching is constantly in line with the needs of this industrial sector, the OSAE programme is based on links with European industrialists, international institutions and laboratories, ground and space agencies and a partnership with the network of space astrophysics laboratories in Île-de-France.

More information : OSAE

  • International Research Track (IRT)

The M2 International Research Track (IRT) is designed according to the priorities of the Graduate Program in Astrophysics Graduate Program Astrophysics, with a tight coupling between academic education and research in laboratories. You will have to choose one among six majors to be trained to technics and methods used in astrophysics according to your professional project. The training offer is based on competitive projects in astrophysics and engineering for astrophysics conducted in PSL.

Courses are given in English, to welcome foreign students who wish to study in Paris but do not speak French, and to train French students to their future jobs, since English is the usual language in the professional worlds where our graduates work, either in the research community, particularly globalized in astronomy, astrophysics, and space engineering, or in the business world.

More information : IRT

Modifié le 4 mars 2024